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Young people and the search for their place in life – The role of dialogue and support

Stefan Radau

Finding one's place in life is one of the biggest challenges facing young people today. Many of them feel disorientated and have difficulty identifying their strengths, pursuing their interests and finding a clear path for the future. In a world that is changing rapidly and demanding, it is easy to feel lost. But this uncertainty does not have to be permanent - support and open dialogue can help young people find their own direction.

Why so many young people cannot find their place

The transition from adolescence to adulthood is a time full of questions and uncertainties. Many young people are under immense pressure - whether from society, family or their own expectations. They are expected to find their career path, set personal goals and often fulfill their desire to be "something special". But they often lack the support they need to cope with these complex expectations.

It is not uncommon for young people to feel overwhelmed or out of place during this phase. They compare themselves to others, see seemingly perfect resumes on social media and lose sight of their own strengths. The constant search for recognition and belonging can lead many to lose themselves in a vortex of self-doubt and disorientation.

The importance of open communication and support

Young people need one thing above all: spaces in which they can speak openly about their insecurities and fears without being judged. They often lack opportunities to exchange ideas with like-minded people or to learn from experienced mentors and role models. This is where the importance of open dialogue and individual support comes into play.

Open dialogue enables young people to understand themselves better, to formulate their wishes and goals and to find possible ways to achieve them. It gives them the chance to express themselves and develop their own beliefs - regardless of what society or their environment expects of them. But often such spaces for dialogue do not exist by themselves; they have to be consciously created.

The Dialogstark Foundation – A Space for Exchange and Empowerment

This is exactly where the Dialogstark Foundation comes in: It offers young people a platform to hear their voices and to actively participate. The foundation promotes open discussions about personal development, fears about the future and social challenges and enables young people to talk about their insecurities and desires in a safe space.

Through programs, workshops and events, the Dialogstark Foundation not only promotes exchange among peers, but also contact with mentors and experts. These can help young people discover their talents, develop their own strengths and find their place in society. The focus is on empowerment : young people are encouraged to take responsibility for their own lives and to confidently follow their own path - even if it is not always a straight line.

Why dialogue is so important

Young people need the opportunity to express their insecurities and find solutions to their challenges. Dialogue is a crucial tool in this regard: it opens doors to new perspectives, allows space for self-reflection and shows that they are not alone with their questions.

The Dialogstark Foundation creates exactly such spaces by giving young people and young adults the opportunity to make their voices heard and to discover themselves. Whether through exchange programs, personal conversations or targeted projects - dialogue is the first step to finding orientation and gaining clarity about one's own path.

How we can support young people on their journey

In addition to initiatives such as the Dialogstark Foundation, we as individuals can also help young people find their place in life. Here are some ways in which we can support them:

  1. Listen and show understanding : Often it's not about having the "right" answer, but simply listening and understanding. Many young people feel isolated because they think no one shares their worries. Listening can make them feel like they are not alone.

  2. Creating spaces for open dialogue : Whether in the family, at school or in leisure time, it is important that young people have places where they can freely express their thoughts and concerns. Such spaces offer them the opportunity to shape their identity and goals in a supportive environment.

  3. Provide mentors and role models : Mentors can play a crucial role in young people's lives. They can provide guidance, share their own experiences, and help them find their own individual path. Role models show young people that there are different ways to find success and fulfillment - and that it's OK if your path looks different from that of others.

Conclusion: Finding your own place

Accompanying young people on their journey to self-discovery requires patience, understanding and the courage to encourage dialogue. Finding one's place in life is not always easy, but with the right support and access to open conversations and mentors, they can find their way.

The Dialogstark Foundation offers exactly this support and shows that every young person has the potential to find their place – if we are willing to listen and support.

How do you deal with the challenges faced by young people around you? Have you had any personal experience of finding your place in life? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments - I look forward to exchanging ideas!

Important note : This blog entry is based on my personal thoughts and does not constitute professional advice. If you have psychological or emotional problems, you should seek professional support.


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